Developing By-Name Data Management practices
The By-Name Data Management Manual Guide is a comprehensive template that communities can use to start developing and documenting their by-name data management practices and protocols. Communities are encouraged to use the guide as a starting point, adapting the sections that align best with local needs and practices. The guide can be adopted in full or used section by section.
The By-Name Data Management Manual Guide includes the following components:
- Things to consider when documenting by-name data management practices
- Suggested sections of data management policies and procedures
BFZ By-Name Data Management Manual Guide
Community Example
The by-name data management manual linked below is an example developed by a BFZ community. The linked document was not highlighted because it perfectly aligns with our By-Name Management Manual guide, rather it was selected as a real example of how a community approached the task of developing and documenting by-name data management practices.
These examples are available as inspiration or sample text in conjunction with the guidance provided in this guide.
- Missoula, Montana BNL Data Manual
(Approved by community to share in January 2025).