Communications Hub

Hub Resource

Talking about Housing First

Detroit is one of the large cities in the last mile of functional zero for veteran homelessness in Built for Zero. As they continue working toward this goal, the veteran …

Hub Resource

Talking about Shifts

Run Charts Definition: A run chart is an essential measurement tool from the field of Improvement Science, used to track a phenomenon like homelessness across a whole community over time. …

Hub Resource

Talking about Built for Zero

Built for Zero is a movement of more than 100 communities in the United States committed to measurably ending homelessness — and proving that it is possible. Built for Zero communities …

Hub Resource

Talking about By-name data

What is by-name data? By-name data is a comprehensive database of every person in a community experiencing homelessness, updated in real time. Using information collected and shared with their consent, …

Hub Resource

Talking about functional zero

What is functional zero? How is functional zero calculated for specific populations? MEDIA KIT You can access our Built for Zero media kit at this link.

Hub Resource

Guidance for journalists on how to cover the Point-in-Time count

The annual Point-in-Time count of homelessness is an event that invites coverage from local outlets. It is an opportunity to report on the state of homelessness in a community and …

Hub Resource

Talking about Racial equity

Racism and homelessness are inextricably linked. Research shows that Black and Native Americans experience homelessness at disproportionately high rates, even when we control for disparities in poverty level. This means …

Hub Resource

Building a communications team 

Template job descriptions Communications Lead Contractor scope of work examples Video/Photography Contractor

Hub Resource

Social media toolkits

These monthly toolkits are designed to assist Built for Zero-affiliated organizations by providing important reminders, timely communications guidance, links to helpful resources, and social media content. As we engage with …

Hub Resource

BFZ social media accounts

follow the achievements and updates of your peers, find new ideas, and engage with the wider Built for Zero movement. Explore the social media accounts of fellow Built for Zero …

Hub Resource

Video resources

Videos are a great tool for communicating complex information, like solving homelessness. They offer a dynamic and multi-sensory experience that engages viewers in a way that text alone often can’t. …

Hub Resource

Social media coalition

What is this group? The BFZ social media coalition is a group of communications professionals who work in Built for Zero communities across the nation.  This is a space where …

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Announcing the achievement of quality by-name data

Key Resources A Built for Zero community only achieves the milestone of reaching quality by-name data when the Built for Zero Data Team validates that the community has officially reached …

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Achieving functional zero

Key Resources Templates Media kit You can access our Built for Zero media kit at this link. Case Studies/Examples

Hub Resource

New Built for Zero community

Key Resources Templates Case Studies/Examples

Criminalization doesn’t solve homelessness — it only makes it harder to escape.
Hub Resource

Johnson v. Grants Pass Communications Toolkit

Resources for communicating about the Johnson v. Grants Pass Supreme Court case.

Hub Resource

Digital Media Toolkit for the 2024 PIT Count

This resource aims to provide leaders of Built for Zero with communication tools to talk about the 2024 PIT Count.

Hub Resource

2023 AHAR Communications Toolkit

This resource aims to provide leaders of Built for Zero with guiding questions to develop a communications strategy on how to respond to the 2023 Annual Homeless Resource Assessment release …

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Reactive/crisis responsive communications

Tools Template: Examples of Letter to Editor

Hub Resource

Who to contact / how to get in touch

Please email for any questions or feedback on communications-related matters.