What is the Quality Data Foundations Toolkit?
- Overview
- Resources
- By-Name Data Management
- Inactivity
- Outreach Coverage
- Provider Participation
- Race Equity
- Tracking List Statuses
- Tracking Population & Subpopulation Statuses
- Unassessed
What is the Quality Data Foundations Toolkit
The Quality Data Foundations Toolkit outlines Built for Zero’s quality data standard and offers self-guided resources that any community can leverage to achieve quality data locally.
Presently, the toolkit addresses quality data standards for single adult households How does BFZ define the single adult population? Find out more in the BFZ reporting reference guide » experiencing literal homelessness BFZ’s use of the term “literal homelessness” aligns with HUD’s definition of Category 1 and 4 homelessness. Please review HUD’s webpage, which describes the four categories of the homeless definition, for detailed descriptions of these definitions. . In the future, the Built for Zero coaching team plans to expand this toolkit to include quality data standards for youth and families.
The toolkit is organized into sections that represent key elements of local data systems that Built for Zero has identified as essential for maintaining a comprehensive, reliable, and regularly updated by-name dataset. For each section, the toolkit includes:
- a description of the section themes
- the corresponding scorecard questions and quality data thresholds
- tools and resources
- examples of how BFZ communities have achieved the BFZ quality data threshold for the scorecard questions in the section
All Singles Quality Data Sections
The theory behind quality data
BFZ’s methodology is based on the idea that to build systems that can prevent, quickly detect, and permanently resolve homelessness, you need five things:
- a shared definition of the right end-state
- an accountable community-wide team
- real-time data, which accounts for everyone by name and need (by-name data)
- centering of racial equity
- targeted and data-driven housing investments
This toolkit focuses on helping communities create the systems necessary to have a by-name dataset that accounts for everyone experiencing homelessness by name and need.
Learn more about Built for Zero’s methodologyHow does BFZ define by-name data?
By-name data (sometimes referred to as a by-name list) is a comprehensive data source of every person in a community experiencing homelessness, updated in real-time. Using information collected and shared with their consent, each person in the dataset has a file that includes their name, homeless history, health, and housing needs. This data is updated monthly, at minimum.
Learn how Built for Zero measures quality data
and works with communities to verify their data.
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