Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort (HSLC)


Slides and Recordings

March 13, 2024
HSLC March 2024 Learning Circle | Introducing Our New Toolbank

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The Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort team at Community Solutions introduced their new coordinated prevention toolbank. The toolbank contains documents that can be used to implement a coordinated prevention system in a community.

July 25, 2023
HSLC Peer Learning Call

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The fourth Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort call that spotlights the work that Hartford, CT is doing to establish a Coordinated Prevention System.
Guest speaker: Sarah Pavone

June 7, 2023
HSLC Peer Learning Call

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The third Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort call that focuses on Inflow Data Analysis and spotlights Downtown Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH.
Guest speakers: Kim Manning, Bijoy Chacko, and Jamie Hummer

April 26, 2023
HSLC Peer Learning Call

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The second Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort call that focuses on a deep dive into including Meaningful Engagement of PLEH, Working Toward a Shared Definition of Coordinated Prevention, and Housing-Focused Problem Solving.
Guest speakers: Tanesha Travis and Jonathan Russell

December 8, 2022
HSLC Coordinated Prevention Workshop

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This workshop provides a deeper dive around the coordinated prevention core elements, incorporating lessons learned from Columbus, OH.
Presenter: Tom Albanese

November 30, 2022
HSLC Peer Learning Kickoff Call

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The first Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort Peer Learning Kick-off call where the participating communities were introduced to each other, early learnings and goals were shared, and an HSLC overview was provided along with the Foundational Priorities.