Housing Stabilization Learning Cohort (HSLC)


This toolbank is designed to enhance the collective impact of organizations working on housing stability by providing them with the necessary resources, support, and collaborative opportunities. This toolbank grants you access to templates, checklists, and guides for housing stabilization efforts.              

  • Suggested Audience: All
  • Topics covered:
    • Key prevention concepts, principles
    • Housing Insecurity Scale
    • Foundational priorities for starting a coordinated prevention system 
    • Core elements of a functioning coordinated prevention system

  • Suggested Audience: Backbone entity(ies), Core Teams
  • Topics covered:
    • Building Your Core Team
    • Effective Core Teams
    • Tips & Considerations for Engaging Diverse Representation on Your Core Team
    • Developing team norms & expectations

  • Suggested Audience: Backbone entity(ies), Core Teams
  • Topics covered:
    • Strategy for Recruiting/Engaging and onboarding PWLEH
    • Meaningful Engagement of PWLEH Definition 
    • PWLEH Engagement Structures/Models
    • PWLEH Compensation and Job Descriptions

  • Suggested Audience: Core Teams; HMIS Data Leads/Analysts
  • Topics covered:
    • Examining HMIS data usability
    • Conducting annual inflow analysis
    • Conducting community interviews
    • Creating a Housing Insecurity Heat Map

  • Suggested Audience: Backbone entity(ies), Core Teams
  • Topics covered:
    • Conducting prevention resources environmental scan
    • Coordinated Homelessness Prevention: Partner Types
    • Conducting community interviews

  • Suggested Audience: Implementing providers