Tools for Understanding Race and Ethnicity Data
Built for Zero recognizes that the journey to fully integrate race equity into our data tools is ongoing. The questions in the Single Adults scorecard only touch the surface of the race equity work needed across the homeless response system. Tracking race and ethnicity data in your by-name data is a step in using your data for improvement to understand and address disparities. To support communities to embed race equity into their data efforts, we’re sharing a collection of resources developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), by the Built for Zero (BFZ) team, and examples of how BFZ communities have made strides in race equity work. These tools are designed to help strengthen data quality and ensure that data is used to identify and eliminate inequities and drive action in achieving equitable outcomes.
HUD Resource: Client-Centered Approach to Recognizing Race and Ethnicity Identities in Data Collection
- Client-Centered Approach to Recognizing Race and Ethnicity Identities in Data Collection
- This document from HUD seeks to explore best practices in the provider-client encounter and serve as an educational resource to achieve equity in these encounters.
HUD Resource: CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity
- CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity – HUD Exchange
- This HUD tool uses point-in-time count (PIT) and American Community Survey (ACS) data to facilitate analysis of racial disparities among people experiencing homelessness and can be a good starting point for analyzing race and ethnicity data in your system.
Built for Zero Resource: BFZ Race Equity Framework
- Indicators of a Racially Equitable Homeless Response System
- This framework is designed to support communities to measure and design a racially equitable homeless response system. The framework seeks to equip communities with indicators, and accompanying measures, to signal progress toward four critical areas of a racially equitable homeless response system.