Isolation / Quarantine
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Staffing Innovations for Emergency COVID-19 Response
Guidance on how to innovate and increase staffing in homeless response systems as crisis response.
State of California: Sample Hotel Occupancy Agreement
AUTHORITY: State of California DATE PRODUCED: April 3, 2020 TYPE: Legal Guidance SHORT DESCRIPTION: This guide provides some useful considerations for communities in developing language when booking large blocks of rooms …
CDC: Infection Prevention and Control Considerations for Alternate Care Sites
CDC provides infection prevention and control (IPC) considerations for alternate care sites.
CDC: Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings
Key concepts include limiting how germs can enter the facility, isolating symptomatic patients as soon as possible, and protecting healthcare personnel.
County of Santa Clara & City of San Jose: Addressing COVID-19 in the Homeless Community
Summary of activities to assist people experiencing homelessness in this community, including increased outreach and expanded housing options for quarantine or isolation.
USICH: COVID-19 Planning and Response: Isolation and Quarantine: Lessons Learned from Seattle & King County
Details on how Seattle and King County, Washington, have set up and maintained isolation and quarantine units for people experiencing homelessness.
Thank you!
We appreciate all of the communities, providers, and people working to ensure the safety and health of individuals experiencing homelessness during this crisis.
Raleigh News & Observer: Here’s how the homeless are being screened in Wake
In Wake County, NC, they’re using tablets and telehealth visits to care for people experiencing homelessness.
Austin American-Statesman: City chooses hotels as isolation sites to house homeless coronavirus patients
Austin-Travis County is utilizing telehealth to provide mental health treatment and making face-to-face visits only as needed.
CDC: Interim Guidance on Management of COVID-19 in Correctional and Detention Facilities
These PPE practices from the CDC are appropriate in any contexts where staff are working closely with people who may be COVID+.
Seattle/King County Public Health: Interim Guidance on COVID-19 for Homeless Service Providers
Guidance specific for homeless service providers during the COVID-19 outbreak.
San Francisco Department of Health: Recommendations on COVID – 19 and people experiencing homelessness
The City of San Francisco’s current strategy to protect people experiencing unsheltered homelessness and modifying shelter operations.
NAEH: Homelessness & COVID-19: Considerations and Action Steps
Concrete actions steps and policy measures that stakeholders should implement to limit the spread of COVID-19.