BFZ Collaborative Change Package

System-Wide Collaboration

Build Capacity

Identify a data lead and system coordinator. If these roles do not currently exist, develop capacity for them. Outline clear roles and responsibilities for those leads.

Homelessness Prevention

Develop a Prevention Core Team

Dedicated lead organization and staff to support: 1) prevention system development and management, 2) data analysis and reporting, and 3) meaningful involvement of people with lived experience and expertise, including written roles, responsibilities, and basic organizational chart.

  • Resources: Guide to Building Your Core Prevention Team
  • Recommended next steps: Build a shared understanding of Coordinated Prevention, including Core Components and related housing insecurity risk levels and definitions adopted by Core Prevention Team
  • FF/CI Funding: Yes – Within Best Practice
  • Capacity Funding: Potentially a System Coordinator – we have a community applying for one but probably don’t want to offer to Collab right now

Coordinated Prevention Management and Support

System management and development staff to support overall system management and partner coordination, meetings, resource development, communications, etc.

Support for people with lived experience including designated staff and resources to support successful collaboration and equitable compensation.

Data systems and staff support for partner service referral and coordination, as well as for data collection, reporting, and evaluation (e.g., HMIS, community information and referral platforms).

Housing Placements

Build Capacity

Develop a working group comprised of those contributing to housing navigation.

Use Medicaid waivers to fund behavioral health and targeted case management to persons on your chronic at-risk list.
Leverage ESG dollars to support additional case management or outreach support.

Explore collaboration with SSVF staff to provide navigation and housing location services for VASH clients.

Partner with local SAMHSA-funded PATH teams to coordinate additional outreach and support for individuals with mental health or substance-use issues.

Implement Proven Practices

Adopt system-wide housing-first policy in CoC’s written standards. Work with funders outside the CoC, e.g., city, state, or community foundations, to align contracts and require housing-first practices.