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Session 6: Working With Race and Ethnicity Data

September 14, 2021

Analyzing data to help ensure equitable services is a key mission of every community. In order to properly make the most of our data however, we must understand how the structure of race and ethnicity data impacts our ability to analyze, visualize, and have conversations. Topics in this session include:

  • The impact of a two-question approach to race and ethnicity data
  • A hands-on walkthrough of Tableau table calculations and how they can provide different angles of analysis to race and ethnicity data
  • A preview of what the next iteration of the Data Fellowship could look like

Thank you for participating in the BfZ Data Fellowship Pilot! We’re so appreciative of your participation – your input has shaped how we’ll provide data support in the months to come!

Session Slides

Additional Resources

  • Tableau Table Calculations Exercise (Exercise)
  • Applying Racial Equity Awareness in Data Visualization (Article)
  • Combining Race and Ethnicity Questions (Article)