‘Illinois Quality Data Collaborative’ Hub

Welcome to your Hub for materials related to the Illinois Quality Data Collaborative! We’re very excited to have you engaged in this unique program to scale-up Quality By-Name Data across more of Illinois, in order to empower both your local/CoC-level strategies to reduce (and eventually end) homelessness, as well as state-level strategy and advocacy to do the same statewide. We will use this page to centralize access to resources directly relating to Quality By-Name Data, materials from our IQDC Cohort meetings, and anything else we think of to add value along the way.

What is the Illinois Quality Data Collaborative?

The Illinois Office to Prevent & End Homelessness (IOPEH) is partnering with Community Solutions to offer Illinois Continuums of Care (CoCs) not already participating in the Built for Zero movement a unique opportunity to join a statewide ‘collaborative’ cohort designed to help more Illinois CoCs achieve Built for Zero’s Quality By-Name Data benchmarks for all single adults (i.e. not families or children/young adults) experiencing homelessness.

Modeled after successful improvement collaboratives in health care and other social service sectors, the ‘Illinois Quality Data Collaborative’ will be an 18-month program comprised of a virtual kick-off event in October 2023, followed by three, six-month ‘action cycles’ that will each contain:

  • Regular (approx. monthly) statewide virtual cohort meetings
  • Direct 1:1 advising to help communities apply material & tools in their local context
  • Additional ad hoc support, tailored to local context and needs.
  • Access to tested and refined Built for Zero tools that facilitate system improvement 
  • Full-day, in-person ‘learning sessions’ to close each Action Cycle

Participating Illinois CoCs

8 Illinois CoCs enrolled in the Quality Data Collaborative Cohort (starred in map)

  • IL-503: Champaign, Urbana, Rantoul/Champaign County CoC
  • IL-507: Peoria, Pekin/Fulton, Tazewell, Peoria, Woodford Counties CoC (Home for All CoC)
  • IL-513: Springfield/Sangamon County CoC (Heartland CoC)
  • IL-514: DuPage County CoC
  • IL-515: South Central Illinois CoC
  • IL-516: Decatur/Macon County CoC
  • IL-518: Rock Island, Moline/Northwestern Illinois CoC
  • IL-519: West Central Illinois CoC

4 Illinois CoCs already enrolled in Built for Zero Movement

  • IL-500 McHenry County CoC
  • IL-501 Rockford/DeKalb, Winnebago, Boone Counties CoC
  • IL-502 Waukegan, North Chicago/Lake County CoC
  • IL-511 (Suburban) Cook County CoC

IQDC Kick-Off Meeting (10/18/2023)

Download Slides | View Slides on Google Drive | Recording

Our primary objectives for this session were to help your Quality Data Collaborative teams get to know each other and our Facilitation Team better, and offer a deeper orientation to Community Solutions’ Quality By-Name Data Scorecard so your CoC team is prepared to begin completing that assessment (supported by our experienced advisors, of course) as your first action item

Illinois Quality Data Collaborative: Info Session (08/15/2023)

Download Slides | View Slides on Google Drive | Recording

At this informational session we sought to: A) Describe the value of having current, comprehensive, by-name data on active homelessness across populations (e.g. all adults, veterans, youth, families) for your entire CoC; B) Describe the aims, structure, and activities of the forthcoming Illinois Quality Data Collaborative; C) Outline next steps in the process for any eligible CoCs interested in signing up.

IQDC First Cohort Learning Meeting (Date TBD)

Download Slides | View Slides on Google Drive | Recording

Description will go here.

Upcoming IQDC Events

Monthly Cohort Meetings

  • Thursday 11/16, 10:00-11:30 am CT (register)
  • Friday 12/15, 10:00-11:30 am CT (register)

Learning Session (in-person)

  • Date: TBD (late March/early April 2024)
  • Location: TBD

How By-Name Data Helps Communities End Homelessness