University of California San Francisco: Preventing Aerosol Transmissible Disease

April 14, 2020

AUTHORITY: University of California San Francisco Curry International Tuberculosis Center

DATE PRODUCED: February 18, 2011

TYPE: Guidance/Protocol


  • What are OSHA requirements for homeless shelters to prevent aerosol transmissible disease?
  • What should a shelter do when a client is sick with an aerosol transmissible disease? 
  • How should they be transferred?

SHORT DESCRIPTION: This guide is to be used by homeless service providers to assist in preparing their facility, staff, and clients for possible cases of aerosol transmissible diseases (ATD)—infectious diseases like influenza or tuberculosis that spread through the air. This is a

manual, not an official policy, but can be used with HSA’s ATD Program to adopt policies to a facility. These recommendations should help prevent exposure to ATD, respond to exposure incidents, and protect staff.