Sustaining Functional Zero
Learn how to sustain your progress, once you end homelessness for a population.
Functional Zero Case Studies
Prevent New Inflow
Prevent Veteran Inflow
- Survey veterans assessed in the past 90 days and use data to discover the systems and services they touched previous to entering the homeless system.
- Implement a simple tool to assess risk of homelessness for use in mental health clinics, VA hospitals and medical care, and prison or jail prior to exit; create a pathway to connect the individual with diversion resources within that non-homeless program or in the homeless system.
Prevent Chronic Inflow
- For individuals with disabilities, provide support for securing SSI or SSDI.
- Work with local and county affordable housing programs to create preferences or define eligibility in ways that prioritize CoC referrals of those who are at-risk of chronic homelessness.
- Bright Spot: Montgomery County, MD
- Bright Spot: Montgomery County, MD
- Utilize available RRH resources paired with PHA resources to prevent people from entering chronic homelessness.
- Bright Spot: Lancaster, PA
- Bright Spot: Lancaster, PA
- For individuals at risk of experiencing chronic homelessness, partner with PHA to create a homeless preference in which PHA takes prioritized referrals from the CoC for Section 8 vouchers.
- Bright Spot: Lancaster, PA
Focus on Housing Retention
- Implement Critical Time Intervention model in PSH, HUD-VASH, SSVF, and other housing programs to increase retention rates.
- Implement an eviction-prevention program for those who have been housed through the Coordinated Entry System.
- Bright Spot: Chicago, IL
- Eviction Prevention Guide for Case Managers – from our partners in Canada
- Strategies for Eviction Prevention
- Create release of information (ROI) form in order to secure client consent to allow property managers to contact a case manager if a problem arises; this practice will inspire landlord confidence.
- Host separate case-conference meetings for veterans already in housing to assess their housing stability and coordinate support and interventions as needed.
- Bright Spot: Gulfport/Gulf Coast Region, MS
Strengthen Community-Based Service Networks
- Use team-based approach for housing navigation and support, rather than assigning only one case manager.
- Bright Spot: Jacksonville, FL
- Bright Spot: Jacksonville, FL
- Partner community mental health centers with housing providers to provide mental health care and housing to chronically homeless individuals and formerly homeless individuals with disabilities [Chronic]
- Bright Spot: Gulf Coast, MS
Maintain a Sustainable System
Monitor and Respond to Change
- When the political climate shifts, update organizational and community-wide practices and policies and procedures to ensure client safety.
- Ensure the system you’re sustaining works for everyone by monitoring the system’s outcomes and assessing if they are racially equitable.
- Download the Tool for Assessing Disparate Outcomes from the National Alliance to End Homelessness’ Racial Equity Network