Process Mapping Pro-Tips

March 13, 2020

Map out the steps of a process you want to focus on improving. Then, pair those steps with data points to evaluate how the system is working and where you might improve it

Built for Zero Team Pro-Tips for Planning a Process Mapping Meeting

  • Pick the Program: Using data and other information, pick the program or resource with the  most significant bottlenecks or areas for potential improvement.
  • Identify the Perspective and Users: Identify if you will be improving a system from the  perspective of the process administrators or the process users. Select the people that are  most familiar with the current program or resource who will prototype an improvement plan  from that perspective.  
  • Pick a Facilitator: Don’t try to facilitate and participate!  
  • Logistics + Materials: Don’t underestimate the importance of a good working space. Spend  time inventorying the materials and technology you will need. Lay out a plan for sending  “Save the Dates” and invitations. 
  • Get the Data: Identify the data sources to understand the “NOW” and prepare to ​measure  improvements. 

Pro-Tips for Facilitating a Process Mapping Meeting

  • Distribute an agenda that includes, at minimum, the following elements:
    • Identify the AIM (Objective) for the meeting – What are you improving and by when? 
    • Define the Process: When does the process start and end? 
    • Identify the Measurement: How will you know a change is an improvement? 
    • Map the ​CURRENT​ Process and layer in current measures/data. 
    • Identify the Bottlenecks / Brainstorm Change Ideas / Select Ideas to Test to improve  toward an awesome ​FUTURE​ state.  
    • Set Up the PDSA 
    • Next Steps / Closing 
  • When creating the agenda, consider the following questions to create a more engaging meeting:
    • Where is the fun? 
    • Where is the food? 
    • What are your “Ground Rules” that establish culture and expectations for the meeting?  
    • Where will you capture the visual map, the ideas you will test, and the PDSA cycle? 

Need an example?

Check out this slide deck from Phoenix, AZ!