Here at Built for Zero, we’ve become infatuated with case conferencing. But why wouldn’t we be? We’ve seen how action-oriented case conferencing becomes the brain of a community’s improvement system. In fact, every BFZ community who ended homelessness in the past 18 months also improved their case conferencing practice.
We want this Summit to help you make case conferencing everyone’s favorite and most valuable meeting of the week, while also showing you ways to form an effective team and develop as strong leaders in your local movement.
Check out our new Case Conferencing Tool Bank! This brand new suite of tools is designed to speed up housing placements and bring your team together. Built for Zero developed twelve new resources alongside high-performing improvement teams from around the country, answering some of the biggest questions we’ve heard from teams since the October 2019 Learning Session.
Case Conferencing Summit Details
When: Monday, November 16, and Tuesday, November 17, with “pick and choose” workshops each day from 12 – 5 p.m. ET / 9 – 2 p.m. PT.
See more detailed agenda below.
WHAT: During this Summit, BFZ will train your Improvement Team on every aspect of creating an action-oriented meeting. Join us for interactive workshops on facilitation, by-name list prep, transforming your team culture, and much more. We will also have training on technical aspects of case conferencing, from how to best take notes and ask questions to troubleshooting common challenges.
WHO: Anyone from your BFZ community is invited, whether you’re already involved in case conferencing or just curious about how to improve it locally. There will be sessions for facilitators, for those who make your by-name list, and for front-line staff who participate in case conferencing as well.
WHY: Communities who get case conferencing right reduce their by-name lists. These materials will be useful to case conferencing experts and beginners, and our workshops are designed for you to make changes immediately.
Case Conferencing Summit Agenda
Monday, November 16
Start Clean: Your Meeting Objectives and Invitation List
Make housing clients faster the main purpose of your meeting. We’ll teach you to set objectives with your team and align the invitation list.
Who we recommend attend this session: Facilitators
Facilitation 101: Optimize Meeting Flow and Questions
SPOTLIGHT SESSION. Meeting time is valuable. Make the most of it with our meeting flow and Learning Loop framework for asking about clients.
Who we recommend attend this session: Facilitators
Frontline Staff: How to Make the Meeting Yours
Lead lead the shift from “my client” to “our clients.” Squeeze more resources and ideas out of the meeting to help your clients.
Who we recommend attend this session: Frontline staff only
Do the Inner Work, Become a Movement Leader
Good facilitators are good movement leaders. Learn how leaders are investing in their own potential in order to invest in their teams.
Who we recommend attend this session: Facilitators
Setup the BNL for Action
Add fields, hide fields, and get in sync with BFZ’s recommendations for an action-oriented by-name list.
Who we recommend attend this session: Data Leads
Tuesday, November 17
Buckets Bootcamp: Speed Clients Through System Bottlenecks
SPOTLIGHT SESSION. Learn to visualize your housing process so that you can un-stick clients and identify opportunities for system improvement.
Who we recommend attend this session: Everyone
Measure for Results: How to Know the Meeting Is Working
SPOTLIGHT SESSION. Take home our easy new tool to tally up your meeting’s effectiveness. Learn to get participant feedback that makes the meeting feel better, too.
Who we recommend attend this session: Facilitators, Data Managers
Pick Clients to Discuss, Hit Goals, and Leave No One Behind
How you pick clients to discuss in the meeting determines if your team reaches housing goals—as well as their experience of the meeting. We’ll give you a new tool and strategies for selecting clients.
Who we recommend attend this session: Everyone
Become a Master Facilitator of Case Conferencing
Shift mindsets to make your team anti-complacency, anti-bureaucracy, anti-imaginary roadblocks, and pro-housing people.
Who we recommend attend this session: Facilitators